Software Engineering


Anh Hong Do

Email / Contact information:

Brief Introduction:

A Junior Software Engineering who enthusiastic in creating creative websites where I can leverage my strong skills in web-development into professional projects. Front-end web framework I have known included HTML, CSS, Javascript, AngularJS and back-end framework are not limited to Java, C#, SQL, MongoDB with a knowledge of software design principles.I enjoy working collaboratively with people, focus on contribute innovative products and constantly learning to improve in my code development.

Program of study:

Software Engineering

Skill / Service provided:

  • UI/UX Design
  • Coding/Programming
  • Software Development
  • Languages: Java, Javascript, HTML/CSS, Typescript, SQL,PHP, C#
  • Frameworks: Angular, Spring Boot,REST APIDatabase: MySQL, Oracle, MongoDB
  • Tools: Figma, Adobe, VSCode, IntelliJ IDEA, Postman, Github, Microsoft.
  • Libraries: Firebase


Availability type: Paid

Compensation requested:

